We make the complete work which is easy to understand. We make necessary information in the most suitable method.
By consumer's life-style and the times change, and how to transmit information has been diversifying.
We have developed the high expression of the quality until today.
Then, as for us, based on the extensive digital technology in DTP and the network.We produce transmission of "Client and a Consumer" and "Client and Future" as information-guide .
Globaldesign incorporated company /company outline.
Name/Globaldesign incorporated company
Establishment/January 20.1997. Address/3F Marushin building 12-5 Kurogane-cho Shizuoka-shi 420-0851 Japan
TEL/+81-54-253-6385 (Representative) FAX/+81-54-253-5292
Capital /10,000,000yen
Bank/Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. Shizuoka branch.
President/Yasunori Shirahata