The mass media production
TV and radio CF
Public relations video
The advertising design of the newspaper or the magazine
Goods catalog
Product manual
Other things for the sales promotion
The project production of the purpose of CD-ROM For the goods catalog
For the product manual
For the education
For other sales promotion
PDF Service
A change to PDF from the various data
Make PDF file from the document of the paper
Put the bookmark and the link
The addition of the key word reference
The development of Plug-in
Joint work with contents of a CD-ROM such as Director
Holding of the PDF related seminar
The project production of network-contents
Homepage project production
Construction of the network server
Construction of the data base
CGI/Java programming
The project production of the CG animate cartoon
For the public relations video
For the CD-ROM title
The simulation of the scene
The copyright of the digital video
The copyright of the digital video by MPEG
Construction of the data base by MPEG
A consultation related to the multimedia
Seminar holding related to the multimedia
Digital image treatment